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Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences - UNIVERSITÀ DI TORINO



First level master 




The master is aimed at 

Degrees of the old system (including any University Diplomas): All.
Professional qualifications are not required;

First level degrees ex DM 509/99 and DM 270/2004 (specify the types of degree classes required, e.g. Degree in Biotechnology 01 and L-2): All.
Professional qualifications are not required;

Second level degrees ex DM 509/99 and DM 270/2004 (specify the LS/LM degree classes and/or single-cycle master's degrees): All.
Professional qualifications are not required;

Other: Foreign qualifications recognized as suitable according to the methods established by the art. 2.5 of the Master Regulations

Graduating students are admitted provided they obtain the qualification by the start of the Master's degree.

Individuals who do not possess the qualifications listed above are also admitted to attend the individual modules and/or seminars, but only as auditors. Only a certificate of attendance can be issued to them



A maximum of 25 students will be admitted to the Master and it can be activated if the minimum number of 8 students is reached.
If the number of candidates does not exceed the maximum number of eligible students, an analysis of the suitability requirements will be carried out. If there are more candidates than the maximum number that can be registered, an evaluation of the CV will be carried out.

The selection will be carried out by a specific Selection Committee that will be responsible for examining the applications received and evaluating the curriculum vitae sent by the candidate together with the registration documentation indicated in the "registration procedure" section of the website.


The Scientific Committee, with a reasoned decision, may in derogation activate the Master with a lower number of enrolled students, subject to financial congruence.


Application opens:

Application deadline: 

The application is not binding and has the sole purpose of admission to the selections.

To be admitted to the selection, the applicant must register on the University portal from (DATES WILL BE PUBBLISHED SOON) the methods of registration on the University portal and for the Master's selections are INDICATED HERE, then login at reserved area.


the MUR Decree n. 930 of 7/29/2022 regulated the possibility of simultaneously enrolling in two university study courses (Download here the text of the Decree).

The candidate, if enrolled in a bachelor's, master's degree, research doctorate, specialization or master's degree established by an Italian University, BEFORE enrolling in the master's degree are required to check whether simultaneous enrollment in this course is possible.

We recommend consulting the University website containing all the updated information (available here).

If the candidate is already enrolled or intends to enroll in another university course, he or she must attach the self-certification required by the MUR Decree to the enrollment documentation (download here).



To complete the registration procedure for the Master's selections, the applicant must send to the Master Corep secretariat at the email address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. the following documents:

1.    confirmation of the online submission of the application to register for the selections via the University Portal (indicating the name of the Master for which registration was made)
2.    the curriculum vitae
3.    Self-certification required by the MUR Decree n. 930 of 29/7/2022 - if necessary

* Students in possession of a foreign qualification must also send a copy of the declaration of value to the email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

COREP staff is available for information and clarifications: Tel. +39. 011 6399203

E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

The data collected by COREP will be used pursuant to Art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196/03.


The Master has a duration of 12 months, corresponds to 60 university training credits (CFU). It has a total duration of 1,500 hours and is structured as follows:

  • Frontal teaching n. 50 hours, alternative teaching n. 166 hours, individual study n. 1044 hours, corresponding to a total of 50 CFU
    • Frontal teaching will take place online.
  • Capstone Workshops n. 275 hours, equal to 11 CFU
  • Portfolio preparation and discussion n.50 hours (frontal and individual study),  equal to 2 CFU

Mandatory attendance of at least 70% of the frontal teaching

The course program is divided into the following teachings:

1 Introduction to Climate Change; Environmental Epidemiology Statistics for Public Health
2. Health and Climatic Extremes; Pollution, Allergens and Climate Change
3. Infectious Diseases and Climate Change
4. Specific Impacts and Risk Assessment; Management of environmental disasters
5. Environmental Health, Climate Change and Environmental Justice; Food Security; Mental Health and climate change; Socio-economic vulnerability.
6. Capstone Workshops
7. Portfolio preparation and discussion


Capstone Workshops: Students will engage in short-term activities in a topic of their choice and will be guided/mentored by leading experts in the chosen field of each capstone workshop.
To verify learning, during the educational path, ongoing tests will be proposed with an evaluation expressed in thirtieths, while, at the end of the entire path, a final test is planned, evaluated in one hundred and ten, consisting of the discussion of the Master's thesis.

Final score: The Student Portfolio + Capstone Workshop presentation: The Portfolio is a collection of tracked activities (e.g., reports from working groups held during the courses, small class projects, capstone workshop, etc.). It will evolve with each student during the overall duration of the program and will represent a personal collection of experiences, reports, and perspectives.

The culminating experience of our program is the multi-week Capstone Workshop, an excellent opportunity for students to gain real-world experience aligned with a subject area of their choice. During the workshop, students will work under the supervision of an expert in their chosen field, putting their theoretical knowledge into practice.


COREP Secretariat

Secretariat hours: from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 3.00 pm

Call center: +39 011 6399203

Info-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.



    Climate change represents one of the most pressing challenges of our time, affecting not only natural ecosystems, but also socio-economic conditions and human health globally. As temperatures rise, weather patterns alter and the frequency of extreme climate events increases, a direct and profound impact on individual and public health emerges. Infectious diseases, pollution, heat waves and other climate-related factors put the health of vulnerable populations at risk, making an integrated and informed approach to addressing these issues crucial.
    In this context, the Master in HEALTH IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE aims to train a new generation of leaders and professionals capable of understanding and responding effectively to the impacts of climate change on individual and public health. Through an interdisciplinary approach that spans both environmental and health sciences, the program aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to scientifically assess health risks, develop adaptation and mitigation strategies, and influence public policies for all the levels.
    The need for such a program arises from growing scientific evidence linking climate change to a wide range of health problems. Students will learn to identify and analyze patterns of disease spread, evaluate the impact of extreme climate events on health, and design effective interventions that can be implemented at community, national, and global levels. The ability to translate scientific research into concrete actions and informed policies will be at the heart of training, preparing professionals to operate effectively in a field that is set to become increasingly relevant.
    Ultimately, this master's degree not only responds to an academic and professional need, but also to a moral and social imperative: to protect the health and well-being of future generations. In doing so, the program stands as a key pillar in the global fight against the effects of climate change, educating and empowering those who will be on the front lines of public health advocacy in a rapidly changing world.

    Please note that according to the CNFC Resolution of 17th July 2013, "Healthcare professionals who attend, in Italy or abroad, post-graduate training courses specific to their category and during the exercise of their professional activity, are exempt from the ECM training obligation."

    More information HERE



    The HEALTH IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE managers will be the professionals who, thanks also to the network of international relations made available by the coordinators of the Master, will be recognized by Citizens, Companies and other Professionals as a point of reference for a truly integrated and focused approach towards a transition of health processes towards greater sustainability to safeguard individual and global health. 



    The registration fee is €2,500.00 which must be paid in the following ways:

    • First installment of €1,500.00 upon enrollment
    • Second installment of €1,000.00 payment due by 31 October 2025

    It should also be noted that, in addition to the enrollment fee, the student will have to pay the additional fees relating to stamp duty paid virtually, tax for SIAE rights, commissions, provided for by the 2024/25 Taxes and Contributions regulation, equal to €17.50.

    In case of withdrawal, the student will still have to pay the entire fee and will not be entitled to any refund

    The Master can be started provided that the minimum number of 10 students is reached. 



    The master's lessons will begin in May 2025 and will end in April 2026.

    Course time: weekend formula from 3:00 p.m to 6 p.m every other Friday. 



    Classes will take place online using the WebEx platform. 


    Those who attend the Master programme (mandatory at least 70% of the lessons), and will pass the exam thus achieving the pre-established credits, will obtain the title of HEALTH IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE (MSc)

    The student will have the right to obtain the Master's University Diploma, if he does not incur the incompatibilities provided for by the Consolidated Law. of 1933 on Higher Education, art. 142 (enrollment in other university courses, doctorates, etc.).



    Proponent of the master's degree:

    • Prof. Savino Sciascia, Full Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Scientific Director: Gregory Winston Gilcrease, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences

    Scientific Committee:

    • Savino Sciascia, Full Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • David Lembo, Full Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Dario Padovan, Associated Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Cultures, Politics and Society
    • Irene Cecchi, Researcher, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Fulvio Ricceri, Associated Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Carmen Fava, Associated Professor, Università di Torino -    Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Elisa Menegatti, Full Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Giuseppe Guida, Associated Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Simone Baldovino, Associated Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    • Massimo Radin, Researcher, Università di Torino - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences


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