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Department of Surgical Sciences - UNIVERSITÀ DI TORINO

Plastic Surgery Academy Rome

Application opens: 2 September 2024

Application deadline: 9 December 2024



interuniversity second level Master


The master is aimed at 

Degrees of the old system (including any University Diplomas):
Medicine and Surgery (46/S and LM-41) without professional qualification;

Second level degrees ex DM 509/99 and DM 270/2004: Medicine and Surgery (46/S and LM-41), without qualification to practice the profession

Other: Foreign qualifications recognized as suitable according to the methods established by the art. 2.5 of the Master Regulations

Auditors are allowed



A maximum of 20 students will be admitted to the Master and it can be activated if the minimum number of 10 students is reached.
If the number of candidates does not exceed the maximum number of eligible students, an analysis of the suitability requirements will be carried out. If there are more candidates than the maximum number that can be registered, an evaluation of the CV will be carried out.

The selection will be carried out by a specific Selection Committee that will be responsible for examining the applications received and evaluating the "submission forms" sent by the candidate together with the registration documentation indicated in the "registration procedure" section of the website.



The Scientific Committee, with a reasoned decision, may in derogation activate the Master with a lower number of enrolled students, subject to financial congruence.




Application opens: 2 September 2024 at 9.30am
Application deadline: 9 December 2024 at 3.00 pm

The application is not binding and has the sole purpose of admission to the selections.

To be admitted to the selection, the applicant must register on the University portal from 2 September 2024 at 9.30am to 9 December 2024 at 3.00 pm the methods of registration on the University portal and for the Master's selections are INDICATED HERE, then login at reserved area.


the MUR Decree n. 930 of 7/29/2022 regulated the possibility of simultaneously enrolling in two university study courses (Download here the text of the Decree).

The candidate, if enrolled in a bachelor's, master's degree, research doctorate, specialization or master's degree established by an Italian University, BEFORE enrolling in the master's degree are required to check whether simultaneous enrollment in this course is possible.

We recommend consulting the University website containing all the updated information (available here).

If the candidate is already enrolled or intends to enroll in another university course, he or she must attach the self-certification required by the MUR Decree to the enrollment documentation (download here).



To complete the registration procedure for the Master's selections, the applicant must send to the Master Corep secretariat at the email address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. the following documents:

1.    confirmation of the online submission of the application to register for the selections via the University Portal (indicating the name of the Master for which registration was made)
2.    the curriculum vitae
3.    Self-certification required by the MUR Decree n. 930 of 29/7/2022 - if necessary

* Students in possession of a foreign qualification must also send a copy of the declaration of value to the email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

COREP staff is available for information and clarifications: Tel. +39. 011 6399223

E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

The data collected by COREP will be used pursuant to Art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196/03.


The Master has a duration of 18 months, corresponds to 60 university training credits (CFU). It has a total duration of 1,500 hours and is structured as follows:

  • Frontal teaching n. 58 hours, alternative teaching n. 116 hours, individual study n. 926 hours, corresponding to a total of 44 CFU.
  • Frontal teaching will take place blended: partly in person and partly online.
  • Training internship n. 275 hours, equal to 11 CFU
  • Final exam n.125 hours, equal to 5 CFU

Mandatory attendance of at least 70% of the frontal teaching

The course program is divided into the following teachings:


1 - Facial Anatomy 
 Forehead and temporal area
 Periorbital area
 Mid-face area
 Lower third of the face
2 - Physiopathology of the aging face 
3 - Surgical techniques applied to cervicofacial district  
 Forehead and temporal area
 Periorbital Surgery
 Midface Surgery 
 Lower Face and Neck Surgery
 Fat grafting of the cervicofacial district
4 - Non surgical techniques applied to cervicofacial district (aesthetic medicine) 

5 - Anatomy and physiopathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses 
Rhinoplasty: Surgical technique I
Rhinoplasty: surgical technique II
Rhinoplasty: surgical technique III 
6 - Rhinoplasty: revision surgery 
7 - Facial bones management and orthognatic surgery  
8 - Facial surgery in oncological patients
9 - Legal aspects in aesthetic surgery of the cervicofacial district
The importance of social networks in aesthetic surgery today"
10 -Management of the complications in aesthetic surgery of the facial district



The internship will be offered:
• in the University of Turin located at the Molinette Hospital in Turin
• at the Plastic Surgery Academy – Rome
The objectives of the internship are to provide skills and competencies in functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose and face. 
To assess learning progress throughout the program, ongoing tests will be administered and evaluated. At the end of the program, a final evaluation will take place which and will consist of a defense of the master’s thesis.

Both exams are mandatory for obtaining the master's degree. Details regarding the examination procedures will be provided during the course and/or on the master’s program website. The diploma will be issued in English.


COREP Secretariat

Secretariat hours: from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 3.00 pm

Call center: +39 011 6399223

Info-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.



    The University Master's objective is to offer specialists in otorhinolaryngology, plastic and maxillofacial surgery a framework for theoretical-practical knowledge in the field of cosmetic-reconstructive surgery.
    In recent years the role of cosmetic surgery has assumed an increasingly important role in the surgery of the head and neck area. Therefore, adequate training of surgeons in this area is necessary.
    The purpose of this II level Master is to provide basic and advanced knowledge aimed at learning the most modern surgical techniques.
    The theoretical and practical preparation that characterizes this Master is achieved through frontal theoretical and practical lessons carried out in the sector room on anatomical preparations.
    Particular attention will also be given to the prevention and management of complications in the field of cosmetic surgery.
    The aim is therefore to train surgeons with high theoretical-practical knowledge in aesthetic and functional surgery of the cervico-cephalic district.

    Please note that according to the CNFC Resolution of 17th July 2013, "Healthcare professionals who attend, in Italy or abroad, post-graduate training courses specific to their category and during the exercise of their professional activity, are exempt from the ECM training obligation."

    More information HERE


    The master is aimed at the degrees of the old system (including any University Diplomas). Medicine and Surgery (46/S and LM-41) without professional qualification;
    Second level degrees ex DM 509/99 and DM 270/2004 Medicine and Surgery (46/S and LM-41), without qualification to practice the profession
    Other: Foreign qualifications recognized as suitable according to the methods established by the art. 2.5 of the Master Regulations
    Auditors are allowed.

    The professional environments are specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, and Maxillo-facial Surgery. By the end of the master’s program, students will have developed specific skills in the identification, evaluation, treatment, and management of both the course and any complications associated with functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose and face.




    The Master will allow the student to acquire specific professional skills and competencies.

    Specialists in maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery and ENT. At the end of the master's degree, students will have acquired specific skills in the identification, evaluation, treatment and management of the course and any complications related to treatment in cervico-facial surgery 



    The registration fee is different depending on the recipients:

    The registration fee is €5,000.00 which must be paid in the following ways:

    • First installment of €2,000.00 upon enrollment
    • Second installment of €1,500.00 payment due by 31 October 2025
    • Third installment of €1,500.00 payment due by 30 April 2026

    The registration fee is €2,500.00 which must be paid in the following ways:

    • First installment of €1,000.00 upon enrollment
    • Second installment of €1,000.00 due for payment by 31 October 2025
    • Third installment of €500.00 payment due by 30 April 2026

    It should also be noted that, in addition to the enrollment fee, the student or auditor will have to pay the additional fees relating to stamp duty paid virtually, tax for SIAE rights, commissions, provided for by the 2024/25 Taxes and Contributions regulation, equal to €17.50.

    In case of withdrawal, the student will still have to pay the entire fee and will not be entitled to any refund

    The Master can be started provided that the minimum number of 10 students is reached. 



    The master's lessons will begin in January 2025 and will end in in November 2026

    Course time: 8.30am-5.30pm with lunch break 12.30pm-1.30pm

    First Year
    First week: from Friday 31/1 to Saturday 1/2/2025
    Second week: from Friday 28/2 to Saturday 1/3/2025
    Third week: from Friday 4/4 to Saturday 5/4/2025
    Fourth week: from Friday 9/5 to Saturday 10/5/2025
    Fifth week: from Friday 13/6 to Saturday 14/46/2025
    Sixth week: from Friday 3/10 to Saturday 4/10/2025
    Seventh week: from Friday 14/11 to Saturday 15/11/2025 + 1st year exam wet lab

    Second Year
    First week: from Friday 23/1 to Saturday 24/1/2026
    Second week: from Friday 20/2 to Saturday 21/2/2026
    Third week: from Friday 27/3 to Saturday 28/3/2026
    Fourth week: from Friday 8/5 to Saturday 9/5/2026
    Fifth week: from Friday 12/6 to Saturday 13/6/2026
    Sixth week: from Friday 2/10 to Saturday 3/10/2026
    Seventh week: from Friday 13/11 to Saturday 14/11/2025 + 2nd year exam wet lab



    Classes will take place:

    • in the University of Turin located at the Molinette Hospital in Turin
    • at the Plastic Surgery Academy – Rome



    Those who attend the Master programme (mandatory at least 70% of the lessons), and will pass the exam thus achieving the pre-established credits, will obtain the title of 2nd level Master degree in Functional And Aesthetic Surgery Of The Nose And Face (MSc)

    The student will have the right to obtain the Master's University Diploma, if he does not incur the incompatibilities provided for by the Consolidated Law. of 1933 on Higher Education, art. 142 (enrolment in other university courses, doctorates, etc.).


    Master’s program Directors:

    • Prof. Giancarlo Pecorari, Full Professor, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Turin
    • Dr. Michele Pascali; Consultant (Rome), Subject-matter expert.

    Scientific Committee:

    • Giancarlo Pecorari; Full Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Surgical Sciences; 
    • Guglielmo Ramieri; Full Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Surgical Sciences; 
    • Marco Fracalvieri; Associated Professor, Università di Torino - Department of Surgical Sciences; 
    • Giovanni Gerbino; Associated Professor Università di Torino - Department of Surgical Sciences; 
    • Michele Pascali; Freelance (Roma), Subject-matter expert.
    • Alberto Diaspro; Freelance (Torino), Subject-matter expert
    • Nicola Vione; Freelance (Torino), Subject-matter expert
    • Yves Saban; former Head and Neck Surgery Nice, Subject-matter expert